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Episode 237: Corpse Flower

Episode 237: Corpse Flower
Slam City
Episode 237: Corpse Flower

Your fearless and greasy hosts discuss the state of Netflix, its content, and subscribers sharing accounts then given a scenario: If offered a multi-million dollar payout after three years, could they provide audio content on-demand at a moment’s notice? Odd news commentary, Burrito’s Nippon Newz, and your favorite food-related guessing game What I Had For Lunch complete another episode of The World’s First Quantimino Powered Podcast.

Double X Quantimino

Let’s taco bout Netflix

As a Slam City host, would you be on call 24 hours a day for three years for whatever our employer needed and we’d get paid $100M or if anyone drops the ball, we’d get paid nothing?

This Is The Newz

Kindergartner brings Jose Cuervo margaritas to snack time at Livonia school

How electric chopsticks could reduce people’s salt-heavy diet in Japan

Baby born with two penises has larger one chopped off by doctors

Canadian penises 12th biggest in world, U.S. comes up short at 59th, study finds

A sperm donor with 55 kids says some women want to do it the old-fashioned way

Burrito’s Nippon Newz

“Gamer apartments” available to rent for under US$350 a month, comes with full gaming PC setup

How to use the new floating hologram registers at 7-Eleven

Japan’s “killing stone” splits in two, possibly unleashing evil nine-tailed fox spirit

What I Had For Lunch

Deepfake Sponsors: Julio Tejas, Booba Gettz The Crazy One, Thicccum Farmz