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Episode 182: Suckers Idolizing Mediocre Pudding

Slam City
Slam City
Episode 182: Suckers Idolizing Mediocre Pudding

Discover what everyone on the other side of the tracks is raving about and listen to the thought-provoking conversations from the scholar-gentlemen of Slam City about the finest things in life, odd but interesting news, and the wealth of knowledge around us.

Double X Quantimino.

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial – Penis Breath.

Arthur the Arbiter: Kids Eat Free.

How Arthur saved another 70 cents: Hacking the BTS Meal at McDonald’s.

The Gemini Jackson Meal.

Brian’s love coach.

Gemini and Arthur order Jimmy John’s in the middle of the show.

Eric America’s cousin Chris Columbus.

Burrito’s Moving Update.

Brian’s Apartment Hunt Update.

Dating app nudes baiting.

This Is The Newz.

Man who can’t remember Bitcoin password says he’s ‘made peace’ with $220M loss.

School decides to cover girls’ chests by altering yearbook photos, St. Johns County students, parents angry.

My wife has 125 lipsticks. Her $11K cosmetics bill is our household’s largest expense — exceeding vehicles and housing.

Walkers stumble across a tonne of cocaine worth £80m on Sussex beach.

Drug dealer jailed after sharing a photo of cheese that included his fingerprints.

Here’s what the BTS McDonald’s meal comes with and when you can get it.

Woman fired from law firm after seen jumping into zoo spider monkey exhibit.

Lego Art World Map set boasts more than 11,000 pieces – the most in a set ever.

Burrito’s Nippon Newz.

Strange Japanese job ad asks to “deliver a pork-egg onigiri” from Okinawa to Tokyo twice per day.

An Osaka man finds a stranger eating in his kitchen at night, and the stranger dies shortly after.

A Takamatsu man was arrested for car-bombing a person whose parking method he disapproved of.

The dream of playing smartphone games on packed Tokyo commuter trains comes true thanks to Thanko.

More Newz.

Father Hit Daughter In Face With Pizza.

Forget about circles. Unknown author turns a rapeseed field into giant Pac-Man.

American Airlines Flight From Tokyo Diverts to Seattle After Passenger’s Phone Charger Stops Working.

Brigantine man learns late in life he has the gift of ‘perfect poop’.

Angry over tomato thickness, woman hurls racial slurs, burger at Burger King employee.

Angelina Jolie stands perfectly still, unshowered, covered in bees for World Bee Day.

Men with massive penises on problems they face – from unemployment to no sex.

Woman practicing “self care” in a parking lot tells cops she thought she was in Florida.

What I Had For Lunch.

Eric America’s Learning Corner.

Pluto’s orbit takes 248 years, so no human will ever see a complete orbit.

A female donkey was acquitted on charges of bestiality at a trial in 1750 due to witnesses attesting to her virtue and good behaviour, but her co-accused human was sentenced to death.

As of 2020, the Sega Dreamcast still gets new releases.

A guy took the turducken concept to an extreme and created a dish consisting of 17 birds nested inside each other like Russian dolls.

The hermaphroditic animal known as a sea squirt begins its life as a tadpole-like creature, until it settles down anus-up in a location for the rest of its life. It will then eat its own brain, disintegrate its nervous system, and fire sperm and eggs into the water to reproduce.

Deepfake Sponsors: Julio Tejas, Booba Gettz The Crazy One, Daddy Juice Energy, Blo-N-Go Hair Dryers.