Episode 208: Celery Tastes Like the Ranch You Put On It

From tip to taint, the premiere based podcast taped at the Thicccum Farmz Compound in the Beaded Curtain District brings you the best conversation topics, news commentary, and laughs from your side of the Quantimino™. Bring a change of clothes.
Double X Quantimino
What level are you? Tenga Men’s Training Cup Levels 01-05
Spermigate: Spermicide Conspiracy
True or False?: “Komboin is a piece of kelp in a bikini, who promotes kombu seaweed from Kushiro City, Japan.”
Finnish Prime Minister
Minutiae Minutes: Cars with bubbled-up window tint
Michelin Stars
Wes Burrito reviews MOTU: Revelation Part 2
Macarena translation
This Is The Newz.
Plumber Finds Cache Of Money Behind Loose Toilet In Wall At Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Mega-Church
Fuming drivers fined £70 after council paints yellow lines under parked cars
Bomb squad called to A&E after mortar pulled from man’s rear
‘Batman: The Animated Series’ Audio Drama in the Works with Original Cast
Sarco suicide capsule ‘passes legal review’ in Switzerland
Burrito’s Nippon Newz.
Flight out of Narita Airport delayed because of a turtle on the runway
(Burrito felt like he got hit by a truck after his vaccine booster.)
Man in Japan arrested for breaking into ex-girlfriend’s apartment to steal her Nintendo Switch
Japan’s new drinkable curry in a can
Pizza Hut sandwiches? Japanese lunch packs will never be the same again
Japanese company creates a tiny sock for your big toe
More Newz.
Tree that smells like rotting fish is so invasive states are offering bounties to kill it
Jamaican Government Launches Campaign About How Great Weed Is
Salt truck overturns on I-88 in Aurora
New Hampshire woman allegedly kept mother’s corpse for months while Social Security payments continued
Jacques Tits, the mathematician behind Tits buildings, the Tits alternative, the Tits group, and the Tits metric, has died at 91
Italian researchers have built a humanoid robot that may one day fly like Iron Man
What I Had For Lunch
Deepfake Sponsors: Julio Tejas, Booba Gettz The Crazy One, Thicccum Farmz.
Added December 18th, 2021