Episode 211: Tamale Pilot in Wonderland

Ladies, gentlemen, and scholars! This entertaining show has what your ear holes need: assorted topics covered in humorous conversation, odd news commentary, and a guessing game involving food. The World’s First Quantimino™ Powered Podcast is recorded at the Thicccum Farmz Compound in the Beaded Curtain District.
Double X Quantimino
Brian tested positive for Covid but not feeling that sick.
Greasy finance guy, Geoffrey Oglesby
Whistler, trach hole
Tamale Pirate
Coffee grinds that you dip
Will Brian fly to Irvine, CA for Vagrant’s 25th Anniversary?
Pizza bowls
Gemini’s body is a temple and a wonderland
Big Swig pickle-flavored sparkling water
Did the Macarena create world peace?
How would you feel if you bought a scratch-off ticket for someone as a birthday present, and they won $1 million from it?
This Is The Newz.
Woman, 48, lives — and dates — as her 22-year-old daughter at university
Book returned to Illinois college library was 49 years overdue
Minnesota teen’s 4-inch mouth gape recaptures Guinness World Record
McDonald’s teen employee hopped through drive-thru window to save customer choking on a chicken nugget
Local school districts relieved as a Tik Tok threat of ‘national shoot up your school day’ ends with no shootings
A Papa John’s restaurant manager says he was fired after 13 years with the company for closing 3 hours early amid ongoing hiring and retention challenges
Dallas Police Oversight Board Wants To Know Why Officers Seized Woman’s Bag Of Cash At Love Field
(Tamale Pilot)
Gal Gadot Launches New Line of Healthier Mac and Cheese, GOODLES
Eric Clapton successfully sues 55-year-old German widow for listing bootleg CD on eBay for $11
What I Had For Lunch
Fred Flintstone Yabba Dabba Don’t
Deepfake Sponsors: Julio Tejas, Booba Gettz The Crazy One, Blo-N-Go Hair Dryers.
Added January 10th, 2022