Episode 219: Cuadraphonic Canine Cacophony

Somewhere in the Beaded Curtain District, four dogs barked into microphones and recorded a conversation heard across the Quantimino™. This episode captures that conversation that covered thought-provoking topics, odd news commentary, and what they had for lunch.
Double X Quantimino
Pepsi Number Fever, also known as the 349 incident, was a promotion held by PepsiCo in the Philippines in 1992, which led to riots and the deaths of at least five people.
GMN: “Ask me how I spent my morning.”
“The Dog-a”: The Dog Saga continues
Boomers, how do you get over the inability to be the best version of yourself?
BNN Preview: Japanese convenience store chain running out of fried chicken, takes precautions to save Christmas
This Is The Newz
Man beaten with metal skillet after declining an offer of potatoes
Skyfari Ride Passengers at the San Diego Zoo Get Stuck for an Hour After Vandalism Caused the Ride to Stop
A Boozy Baja Blast Is Joining the Hard Mtn Dew Lineup
40-person brawl breaks out at Golden Corral over steak
Burrito’s Nippon News
Potato chips that don’t get your fingers all powdery developed by Calbee and Tokyo Banana
Free KFC taxis will be taking to the streets of Japan
Cup Noodle humidifiers: Combining hot ramen and homewares for a very special release
What I Had For Lunch
Deepfake Sponsors: Julio Tejas, Booba Gettz The Crazy One, Thicccum Farmz
Added March 05th, 2022