Episode 241: Fistula Connection

Ladies, gentlemen, and scholars! Your fearless and greasy hosts of The World’s First Quantimino™ Powered Podcast bring you the best conversation topics and odd news commentary curated over a week. The show closes with their original guessing game, What I Had For Lunch. This work of art would not have been possible without the support of Thicccum Farmz, The Crazy One, Julio Tejas, and listeners like you.
Double X Quantimino
Stone Soup
Hypothetical Meta-analysis: ATM cash
Fistula connection
John Wayne Gacy Netflix doc
Riding in cars with boys who are also comedians
This Is The Newz
Will sending aliens nudes lure them to us? NASA thinks so.
TikTok ‘rave moms’ changing the male-dominated EDM scene
Navy Officer Held for Allegedly Forcing Recruits to Drink Semen With Fish Sauce
He Was 5’7″. After Surgery, He’ll Be 5’10”.
Burrito’s Nippon Newz
Alcoholic sake butter appears in Japan
“I choose BOO!” Gengar engagement and wedding rings are here to haunt your nuptials
Hidden smartphone feature reveals a strange Japanese emoticon
What I Had For Lunch
Deepfake Sponsors: Julio Tejas, Booba Gettz The Crazy One, Thicccum Farmz
Added August 10th, 2022