Episode 296: IDDQD

X-Men intimacy, John Stamos gets crowned, a Friends smashup, eat a McGlizzy, where to find grapefruit gelatin, mustaches, Batgirl, what pandemic?, the Blue October Girl archetype, losing 30 lb eating McDonald’s, Luby’s Hamber Alert, a teenager pretends to be a physician’s assistant to access a hospital, mammoth meatballs, knockoff designer brands, a hacker returns $200M, naked man drives school bus, a gang member with Down syndrome, all you can eat ice cream and frozen food, an English-speaking-only bar in Japan, a woman defrauds men for 4.4M yen.
Double X Quantimino
The best X-Men with which to have sex
John Stamos
Friends Smashup
The McGlizzy
Getting grapefruit gelatin for your bae
That canceled Batgirl movie
How We Buried A Pandemic
Blue October Girl
This Is The Newz
Man eating McDonald’s for 100 days is down nearly 30 lb so far — and now his wife is joining him
Luby’s apologizes for ham-handed promotion
Teenage imposter gains access to two Slam City South South hospitals
Meatball from long-extinct mammoth created by food firm
Customs officers seize more than $700,000 of knockoff Gucci, Chanel, other designer brands
Hacker Behind $200M Euler Attack Apologizes, Returns Millions in Ether, Dai to Protocol
Naked man driving stolen school bus with dead deer inside leads police on chase
Alleged gang member with Down syndrome indicted in separate Chicago murders
Burrito’s Nippon Newz
All you can eat ice cream and frozen food restaurant becomes a hit in Akihabara
English-speaking-only bar opens in Osaka and Tokyo, yellow cards for those who don’t follow rules
Shiga woman defrauded 4.4M yen by man asking for money to fly down from the ISS and marry her
Deepfake Sponsors: Julio Tejas, Booba Gettz The Crazy One, Thicccum Farmz
Added September 16th, 2023