Episode 303: Stranded on La Isla Surrounded by Celebrity Buttwater

Celebrity butt water, sock shoe, caramel, three fingers in the honeycomb, one comic book, Walmart version of Margot Robbie, car flies Dukes of Hazzard style, guillotine, Duck Hunt, eunuch maker’s frozen leg, Saitama thugs, calling police 2,060 times in 9 days, condombassador
Double X Quantimino
Celebrity butt water
sock shoe sock shoe or sock sock shoe shoe
RHCP lyrics “Three fingers in the honeycomb”
Burrito has enough space in his bugout bag for one comic book to bring to La Isla – Spider-Man: Blue #6
knock-off of a knockout
“Dramatic body camera footage shows a car speeding down a Georgia highway, catching a tow truck ramp and flying about 120 feet through the air “Dukes of Hazzard”-style, authorities say. The driver survived the crash with serious injuries.”
This Is The Newz
Couple’s choreographed suicide by guillotine ends with heads rolling into fire altar
Deputies accuse man of using Nintendo ‘Duck Hunt’ pistol to rob a business
Man admits freezing leg of alleged ‘eunuch maker’ who was accused of broadcasting live castrations
Burrito’s Nippon Newz
“I’m the most famous thug in Saitama!” Japanese kids’ social media beef leads to beating, arrests
Saitama man arrested for calling police 2,060 times in 9 days to yell at them
14th-generation condom ambassador named by Japan’s Sagami Original
Deepfake Sponsors: Julio Tejas, Booba Gettz The Crazy One, Thicccum Farmz
Added November 25th, 2023